Journal Entry 1

Date: 07.03.2023


  • Started the scripting tutorial
  • Created Project A Draft


Creating the One Page Design was really fun! It would be great, however, to have some point of reference about what the level should look like - i had problem approximating the game length and my level is probably too small. I managed to accidentally print my design black and white, so next time I'll try to understand the printer on Malá Strana better :)

Invested time:

  • In school labs: 1:30 hours
  • Creating the One Page Design: ~ 2:15 hours


One Page Design of Project A

Edit (08.03.2023): Oops, I forgot to add the design itself :) Now it should be attached.

Get Project A


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As I've already said during our lab, I like the general idea, but as it is it is definitely too small. Though the base idea is definitely scalable. I will mention again - don't force the player to restart the game. Also now that I'm looking at it again, I would be careful about the very long hallway with key - might be hard to land on as it looks like its exactly the height of the character. If that is intentional, it's okay! Though a note on this - feel free to use the character as a scale anywhere in the design - it's a very clear way to communicate measurements! Good job :)